Creativity drives our work–whether launching a new brand or advancing public health and education.
Client: Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth, and Families Services: Naming, branding, logo, messaging (Many Voices for Smart Choices) Awards: Hermes Creative
Client: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Services: Print ads, public service announcements, public health campaign, media relations. (Good to Go and Ready and Able) Awards: APEX Award for Communications Excellence
Client: Lutheran Services in America Services: Media Campaign, Strategic Communications Plan and Audit, Publications, Annual Report. Awards: Hermes Creative, Communicator
Services: Naming (Excel Beyond the Bell), branding, video, logo, messaging, website content and marketing materials. Awards: Hermes Creative, Telly, Ava, MarCom, Communicator
Client: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Services: Marketing materials, messaging, media relations, video, partnerships, special events. (Neighborhood Networks Initiative) Awards: Hermes Creative, Ava, Aurora, Telly, MarCom, APEX, Communicator
Client: International City/County Management Association Services: Media campaign, story placement, news release writing
Services: Branding, logo, messaging, marketing materials. Awards: Hermes Creative, Communicator, MarCom, Aster, APEX
Client: Louisiana Housing Corporation Services: Annual report, fact she
Client: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Services: Exhibit design, fact sheets Awards: Communicator